
How fast will my order ship?
Many of our designs are printed after your order is placed. We strive to ship all orders within 7 business days or less. Average turn around time is 4-7 days. At times your order ships next day; however, we cannot guarantee that on all orders. If you need something ASAP, please reach out to us before placing your order.

We ship priority to all 50 United States via United States Postal Service (USPS) and United Parcel Service (UPS). We try our best to get it to you quickly.

Local Orders
We offer free local delivery within the zip code for Jefferson, Texas. At checkout, local customers need to enter zip code and click "Estimate Shipping" prior to processing payment. You will see that it deducted the shipping amount and added free local delivery.

Flat Rates
Flat rate shipping per item applies to the following:
T-shirt: $4
Tank Top: $4
High-neck Tank: $4
Muscle Tank: $4
Racerback Tank: $4
Face Mask: $3
Lee's Tree Farm T-shirt: $4
Mommy & Me Set: $8
15oz Polymer Tumbler: $6
14oz Stainless Steel Travel Mug: $6
20oz Stainless Steel Water Bottle: $6
Koozie: $0.75
8"x12" Sign: $5
Face Mask: $3
Tea Towel: $4